Krishna Jeyakumar

UX/UI Design | Research | Branding


KME Website Redesign


Visual Direction

UX Design

UI Design


August 2018

OVERVIEW is a digital marketing agency based in Northern Virginia. They are obsessed with driving a positive ROI and ensuring their personalized advertising strategies will streamline the growth of their clients.


Adobe Xd. Trello. Canva. Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Illustrator. Milanote.


  1. The branding and messaging on the KME website was no longer a reflection of the company or it's values. A complete overhaul was a necessity to stay up to date with the industry and the competition. Other goals that were part of the redesign include – improved accessibility and speed optimization.

  2. Hallway testing & analytics data proved that the KME website was not performing in terms of user engagement & interest. Analytics results comparing average session duration, bounce rate & page views showed us that most users that got on our site left soon after, with bounce rates that were upto 65%. Our goal was to bring it closer to 25% to meet healthy benchmarks. 


  1. I was the Creative director on this project. I worked with a team of 2 developers, 1 content writer and 1 graphic designer. I was responsible for directing the overall design of the KME website from conception to completion.


  1. One design concept that we prototyped displayed a video on the Homepage and we decided not to pursue that in favor of site speed. Some other designs were too close to the current design, and the darker color palette wasn’t favored based on user feedback.

TIME. Time was always a limited resource. Between all the various client's we were serving – our team had to find time in the day to focus our efforts on an internal project that wasn't treated as a main priority.


The new and improved website allowed KME to truly position itself as a contender in the digital marketing space. With the brand new polished look and user friendly content, our website was being used as an example of what businesses wanted to see on theirs.

Web Analytics data comparing metrics to the previous period, recorded a 137% increase in the Avg. session duration, an 82% decrease in the bounce rate and a 60% increase in Pageviews. Users who went onto the site spent more time on each page and also engaged with the new chat-bot function and submitted more forms.

KME has seen a consistent growth rate in revenue of over 20% each year. This is apparent to me from the growth of the number of employees in our company - we've grown from 5 employees to over 30 employees over the course of my employment at KME.