Krishna Jeyakumar

Global Voice Campus

UX/UI Design | Research | Content Design


Global Voice Campus

Landing Page design


Visual Direction

UX Design

UI Design

Content Design


January 2022


Global Voice Campus is an interactive live streaming platform that allows users to tour any campus around the globe and learn various subjects and languages through mobile devices. Users from around the country also have the opportunity to register to become campus tour guides and tutor for a variety of subjects.


Adobe Xd. Trello. Figma. Canva. Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Illustrator. Milanote.


Their previous website design consisted of the following issues:

  • From a general website evaluation, our web development team determined that Global Voice Campus’ website lacked a user-friendly design, basic navigation, and general information about the company, service, and opportunities. They also didn’t have tour guide and tutor registration forms or contact forms.

The overall website content and design weren’t serving the actual purpose of the website, which was to get students and alumni to register to become a university tour guide or tutor.


  1. Using the existing brand guidelines, I built additional design elements to add to the website’s UI arsenal. I worked closely with my team of 2 others – 1 developer and 1 content writer. I was responsible for directing the overall design of the 2 landing pages.


With the addition of the two new landing pages, users were able to understand the process and benefits involved to signup to be a tour guide.

The creation of the landing pages was crucial to begin marketing the product. Once these pages were designed our social media and paid advertising teams were able to direct potential customers to the landing page to understand the product and it's benefits.

We saw a huge improvement in it's google search result ranking thanks to the content and pages developed. From being almost impossible to find we were able to get Global voice campus onto the top 20 results on google.